Location of 1098-T


Where can I find my 1098-T?


Starting with tax year 2017 your 1098-T is available in Touchnet via Banner Self Service.

Students that have electronically consented to electronic 1098T delivery in the TouchNet Student Account Center and qualify for a 1098-T will have direct access in the TouchNet Student Account Center. 

Accessing the 1098-T in the TouchNet Student Account Center is fast and easy. 

1. Log in to myLCC (link opens in new window).

2. Select Banner.

3. Select Student.

4. Select Student Finance/TouchNet.

5. Select 1098T

6. Select I agree

Once the TouchNet Student Account Center loads:

1. Select My Account. (Top left corner.)

2. Select Statements.

3. Select 1098-T Tax Statements.

4. Select the tax year.

5. Select View. You will now see a link for the 1098-T if you have previously given your 1098-T electronic consent.

  • If you do not see a 1098-T for the current tax year you may not qualify for one. Please contact Student Finance at 517-483-1200 x3 to double check.
  • Please note you must have a PDF reader installed on your computer to properly open the 1098-T PDF. The Adobe Reader (link opens in new window) is a free download.

Giving Electronic Consent

1. Select My Account. (Top left corner.)

2. Select Consents and Agreements. Ensure that you have the 1098-T paperless option turned on.

Give electronic 1098-T consent by clicking on "My Account", and "Consents and Agreements"

For tax years 2015, 2016, and 2017 we have partnered with Heartland ECSI to provide their robust support for IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, which furnishes part of the information you need to claim education tax benefits allowed by the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits. We are required to send you this form so that you can use it to determine if you are eligible and what dollar amount you can claim for these tax credits.

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Article ID: 192
Thu 1/28/16 1:26 PM
Wed 8/21/24 8:28 PM

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