Installing 7-Zip


How do I install 7-Zip?


To install 7-Zip do the following:

  1. Go to: 7-Zip Download Page.
  2. Click “Download” on the 64-bit Windows x64 option. Shows location of download link in the left column of the screen.
  3. The “7-Zip Setup” window will display. Click “Install.” Click Install on the box
  4. You will get a message asking if you should allow the software to install. Click “Allow."
  5. When installation is complete the “7-Zip Setup” will say installed. Image of destination folder progress window.
  6. You should now see 7-Zip when you search for it on your windows search bar or right click on a document to zip:

Image of locating and starting 7-Zip on PC.

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