Accessing Online Orientation


How do I access Online Orientation?


Orientation is mandatory if you are a new student (never attended another college). If your application states high school, returning, guest or transfer student you are not required to complete orientation. For those who are required to complete orientation you may have the option of completing orientation online through D2L.

Below are the requirements for online orientation:

  • If you have not activated your myLCC account please do so as soon as possible, within three business days of activating your account you should have access to D2L.  
  • To be eligible for Online Orientation you must have taken your placement tests and received a 3 or higher on the reading test. Within two business days of scoring a 3 or above on the reading test you will be granted access to D2L. For more information about Placement testing please visit the Assessment Center
  • Online orientation is available prior to the start of the semester listed on your application. If this time frame is missed you may email from your myLCC email account.
  • Orientation is mandatory if you have an orientation hold on your account in Banner Self Service. For directions visit out Viewing Holds article.
  • Please email Orientation with any questions.
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