Activating Your Account

Access the Account Activation Website.

Assert Your Identity

Once at the LCC Account Activation and Management (link opens in new window) website please do the following:

1. In the first box enter your Student Number or Username.

  • Your Student Number (Banner ID) starts with an 'X' followed by 8 numbers and was provided on your admissions acceptance email.  If you do not have your Banner ID you can activate your account using your Username instead. If you do not know your Username you may request it using the Username Lookup Form (link opens in new window). Otherwise, the Username will be given to you on the "Set Your Account Password" page pictured below.

2. Enter your Personal Data.

  • The Personal Data is either the last 4 of the SSN, or the Date of Birth.
    Enter your username or Banner ID and Date of Birth or Last 4 of SSN

Read the AUP

To Open the AUP within the page

Before gaining access to our systems, people must accept the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).  This page has a link to the AUP in parentheses above the button.  Clicking the button should bring up the PDF document of the AUP within the page.

  • Select Read the AUP.

You will see the document in a frame as shown below.  You can use the scrollbar to read the sections described (Purpose, through Responsibility).  After reading the policy, click (or tap) the check box.

Read AUP


Agree to the AUP

1. Click or tap the "I agree" check box after reading the document.

2. Select Continue. The Continue button appears only after the check box has been selected.


I agree to accept this policy

Setup Email

After agreeing to the AUP, you will be asked to set your recovery recovery email.  This is how you will be able to reset your password in the future. 

1. Enter your email address.
You cannot use a LCC address to recover your password.
enter a non LCC email address

The email address must be valid, and the email addresses must match. When you start typing your email address, two messages appear.  The first lets you know that the email address must be valid.  It must contain an account part followed by @ (at-sign, address symbol), followed by a domain part.  The domain part must contain at least one dot or period.

Note: nothing makes sure that the email account is real and working, at this point.

2. Select Submit. The submit button becomes active, and the red message disappears once the email address in both boxes match.

3. Email confirmation is displayed on the screen.

Email confirmation screen
After submitting the email address a link is sent to the address.  The confirmation page only shows the domain part, for your security. 

Note: the link will expire.

4. Access your email to find the email with the link.

LCC Account Activation and Management email

This is an example of how the email will look in your inbox.  The email is from LCC's "no-reply" account.  Replies are deleted automatically and are never seen. The subject starts with "LCC Account Activation and Management."

5. Select Set LCC Username password.

activation email

This is an example of an email with a link.  Notice that the expiration time provided is the time on the server, US Eastern time.  Also, if you just change your email address later, you do not need to click the link to change your password.

Set a new Password

1. Set a new password that meets LCCs Password Policy Guidelines (opens in new window). Then click Submit

Password Rules

  • Between 8 and 20 Characters long
    • At Least 3 of the following:
      • one Upper case
      • one Lower case
      • one Number
      • one of these Special Characters !@#$%^&*()=

        Please note that passwords using the special characters shown above will work in all our systems, but the phrases suggested in the guidelines may not work in some systems.

Set new password and click submit.

  • Please note your username for future reference.
  • Once all password requirements are met the Submit button will become active. 

When you click Submit, you are taken back to the Account Activation and Management system.  Note that your username is displayed here as well. 
Welcome to Account Activation and Management

Your password has been saved.  You now can log out of the Account Activation Management System by clicking the three lines in the upper right corner and choosing log out. You can then return to myLCC (opens in new window) and use your LCC username shown on this page, along with the password you just set.  This username and password will also work on your LCC email, and any other LCC Single Sign-on (SSO) services.



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Article ID: 45
Wed 6/3/15 11:09 AM
Fri 5/24/24 12:19 PM

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