Waitlist General Guidelines


What are the wait list general guidelines?


Wait list is a feature which allows students to add themselves to a wait list on a class that has met its maximum enrollment limit.

General Guidelines for Waitlisting:

  • Is based on a first‐come, first‐serve basis.
  • The student in the first position will be notified via LCC student email once a seat becomes available.
  • Does not guarantee a seat in the class.
  • Holds a place in line should a seat become available.
  • Does not mean the student is registered in the class.
  • Provides registration error checking before adding to the wait list.
  • Students are allowed to wait list a class with a time conflict, however time conflicts have to be resolved before the student registers for the waitlisted class.
  • Automatic LCC student email notification when a seat becomes available.
  • Student has a 24 hour time limit after email notification sent to register for course.
    • Does not automatically enroll the student in the course.
    • During this 24 hour time period, no other student will be able to register for the available seat.
  • If student does not register by their deadline date and time, they will be removed from the waitlist and the available seat will be given to the next student on the wait list. If there are no other students on the wait list the seat becomes available for any student to enroll.
  • For those students who have stated they were on a wait list and received notification a seat is now available, they can register ONLY if registration is still available in self service for the course. Remember, registration is available in self service until 10 minutes prior to the start of class, or 1 a.m. the first day of the part of term for online and hybrid classes.
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