Unable to Select Class During Registration


What does it mean when I see "NR," "SR" or "C" in place of the select box when trying to add a class.


The following explain what NR, SR, and C mean when displayed.
NR (Not Available for Registration) - the current date/time doesn't fall within valid registration dates for the particular course

SR (Student Restriction) - student is restricted from registration by their time assignment, student status, academic standing, holds or their application is for a term in the future.
  • A frequent cause of "SR" is the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement. To clear this hold ensure the student is registering using these steps.
  1. Select Student.
  2. Select Registration.
  3. Select Required Registration Steps.
  4. Select Register (Add/Drop Courses).
  5. Select Register Using Banner.
  6. Select Register for Classes.
  7. Select your Term, and continue on from there. Complete registration steps.
C = (Closed) - the class is full.
Example of a closed section. Students cannot put a check mark in the select box as a "C" is displayed.
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Article ID: 833
Fri 12/14/18 1:23 PM
Fri 3/29/24 11:14 AM

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